Main Function of the Gate MM=Modelling:
<to check><completeness and consistency of Stage MM=Modelling>
In order to complete the Stage MM = Modelling and move to the next stage, you must complete the following items:
❏ Model of STFSTF = System to be forecasted at the functional level (logic similar to IDEF0)
❏ Description of Competitive (Alternative) technologies (solutions)
❏ Measure of Performance & Expenses for STFSTF = System to be forecasted and for Competitive Solutions
❏ Description for STFSTF = System to be forecasted
- Contexts=super-systems (consider TEES i.e. Technology, Environment, Economy, Social) and sub-systems
- past history & expected future
- present trends
➔ It is highly recommended that you print this list out for your Gate MM = Modelling session.
➔ This gate will serve as reference to later stages.
➔ Tick the task only after the item is 100% complete.
➔ Proceed to the next stage only after completing all items on this list.